New Beginnings: A 33 Day Reflective and Nurturing Sacred Journey
Enjoy the free offering on Sunday, December 21. And then feel the joy of giving this New Beginnings daily spiritual gift to yourself for the following 33 days!
Engaging the Symbol of Christed Consciousness during 33 Days
Winter is often the time when the deepest, most transformational work can occur deep within your being. This daily immersion in Divine Light can change inherited beliefs, differentiating yourself from the shackles of your ancestors, and polishing your personal energetic field.
Lynette is offering a this consciousness-expanding journey which refers to the 33 as the Christed number, as a way to contemplate your current state of life, and as we focus collectively on the New Year of 2015 so close at hand, a new start can be initiated within your personality.
For those who register for the New Beginnings focused daily 33 minute window of time, spacious Peace and Presence will be more thoroughly sparked within you, creating a more harmonious inner and outer world.
In the moment of the Winter Solstice, December 21, your potential for fresh new codings can bring an even greater rebirth as we close out 2014 and begin 2015.
In this 33 day journey, kindle the larger flame, shine your own heart-light, shed shackles from the past, receive Divine Energies and infuse these into your entire matrix.
This is a very special moment to activate the process of inner Unification, as the greatest wholeness ever known is often discovered in the wintertimes of life. The cold, wintry moments of life - those passages when one longs for warmth, or a golden lamp, or an inner knowing that you are unfolding well during these times when the ancient history is being squeezed out of your cells - these can be precious and insightful times. Honor them, and receive support for this process with daily Divine Transmissions which will envelop and hold you, soothing your journey, each day during this 33 day series.
Like the beautiful reflections we see in the icy crystals of snowflakes, appreciate your unique incubation in the time of darkness that contains all the fullness to come...
"It's so nice to find an easy way Home! Thank you for smoothing the way for us."
Begins December 21,
after the free session, for 33 days
- Your children under 18 may be included.
- A 33 minute window of time each day to receive Divine Insight and Inspiration.
- If you aren't able to join in personally, Lynette will include you energetically in the Christed transmissions.
Join us for this lovely daily immersion in Christed Energies and beyond...