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During seminars, trainings, online courses and retreats, enjoy contemplative healing processes with profound spiritual energies, facilitation into experiences of awakened states of consciousness, practical mentoring for deepening your relationship with Life, and receive useful guidance for living meditation. Combine your personal inner growth with building skills, to facilitate others as you become an expansive Presence for healing.

If you are currently a healing professional, and desire advanced training or certification in energy healing facilitation, or are a spiritual explorer interested in personal development, please sign up for the newsletter on the left, to receive the newest information for our ongoing programs. Occasionally Lynette offers free events, or a stand-alone session, so new participants can experience the inner work and sacred vibration, and choose the program which bests suits your growth.

In multiple types of trainings and inner contemplations, we have covered a wide array of topics experientially, including both self-healing techniques, and techniques for professionals in the healing arts. Selected recordings prior to 2016 are available for sale in this Store. The full sets of recordings for our regular courses, from 2017 to the present, can also be purchased. See AcceleratedAwakening.org for a wide variety of recorded sets and current courses.

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Accelerate Your Awakening™,

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Lynette is an internationally known visionary energy healer and trainer, and teacher of enlightenment.  She instructs advanced energy healers and mentors healing professionals. Many students engage with her courses for their own personal growth. Lynette's practical, transformative teachings, together with the transmission of vast and potent Divine Energies, empower students to achieve immense awareness, precise skill, and rich experiences of peace and joy.

Her deep knowing of Eternal Nature, and the Unified state within matter, together with many remembrances of ancient and future healing techniques, allow people to shed baggage gracefully, at an accelerated pace.  Through the vortex of universal awakening energies that Lynette embodies and transmits, the majority of participants have experiences of Self-realization and ongoing mystical access, as they train to work with their own clients.

She teaches in an experiential format through the direct infusion of techniques, and within this vibrant field, participants heal themselves and learn to share this state of Presence and techniques with their clients.  Healing professionals become proficient at instructing their clients in self-awareness and inner healing techniques.