Immersion in Christos Consciousness  image
Name: Immersion in Christos Consciousness
Price: $ 144.00
Short description:

Immersion within Christed Consciousness©

Receive a deeper level of Christ Consciousness mastery, during an experience of purification, healing and expansiveness into ever higher levels of the "Christos" Portal. Delve into the richness and pure potentiality of the realms of "Christed" consciousness, composed of all the masterful Beings who attained this level of service. Read more...
A high-vibrational series of 16 recorded sessions, 55 minutes each.

Full description:

Immersion within Christed Consciousness - Session titles:

01 - Purification through Water, Symbol of Baptism
02 - The Physical Purification
03 - Opening All the Heart Spaces
04 - ''Your Body Is Becoming a Living Library''
05 - Embodying a ''Christed'' Attribute
06 - Radiating Christ Consciousness through Your Body
07 - Perfect Love
08 - The Circular Weavings - Heart Center
09 - Filling Up Your Cells
10 - Restoration
11 - The Flowering of the Christ Consciousness in You
12 - Sunshine through the Spine
13 - The Pulse of Love
14 - Beyond Your Story - Who Are You
15 - Upper Portion Anointing of Energy Field
16 - Lower Portion Anointing of Energy Field